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Help me and I will help you!!

Writer:  Carol Ebert Carol Ebert

After struggling with at least two versions of having a web-presence over the last 10 years and neither being exactly what I wanted, I finally found the right person who could bring me alive online.  And after months of prep work, writing copy that reflects my personality, creating a home-studio and making videos that hold your attention, getting photos taken that are fun, the finished product is finally here!

Drum roll – – –

I’m excited to share my brand new website focused on nurses who are retiring!  (Just like me)  Is that you? Ready to ROCK OUT in your Retirement?

But first, listen up

I have such a deal for you – if you can help me with feedback on what you think of my new site, I will help you.  All you have to do is review my new website and answer 8 simple questions.  Once you have completed this, I will schedule a FREE 45 minute coaching call to help you get started on your own Rockin’ Retirement. 

That’s a $150 value all for FREE. 


But first – here are the questions you need to answer.  Just by reviewing the site you should find the answers very quickly.

  1. Where can I find Carol’s story of how she shifted from nursing care to wellness?

  2. What is my first step toward a “healthy” retirement?

  3. What is a simple way to regain the energy I need to rock my retirement?

  4. How can I jumpstart my health with a plan I can do on my own?

  5. How can I make health a priority for the rest of my life so I can live as long as possible?

  6. Where can I go to really experience what true healthy living is all about?

  7. How can I make extra money doing what I want and when I want without reporting to a boss?

  8. Where can I find a wellness coach with a nursing background to help me sort out my next phase of life?

Now – Just click here to access my website and find the answers.

Notice when you start your review, there is another FREE resource for you to help you get started on your new life!

Once you answer these questions, click here and fill out the form including your feedback and I will be in touch with you to schedule your FREE 45 minute Retirement Coaching Call.

Thanks so much for your help!

Be well on your retirement journey!


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